Terre-Flex Multi-Channel MWD System
Intelligent EM/MP Channel Selection | Always The Best Data Transmission Path
Speed and accuracy are invaluable assets on a drill site. Assets that result in savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars by reducing wait-time and costly fixes due to errors. The last thing you want to do is pull out your entire string to switch your MWD telemetry because the demands suddenly changed. And yet, it is not an unlikely situation in the field – predictions only go so far.
Clearly, the best solution is intelligent, automatic channel selection. Terre-Flex is a multi-channel, intelligent MWD system that proactively selects the best data transmission path, whether Electro Magnetic (EM) or Mud Pulse (MP), which ensures that no matter how the formations or the mud mix change, you and your data are always covered.
Key Features

Times Faster Data Rate Than Standalone MP Channel
Faster Data Rate
The data rate of combined MP and EM channels is up to 32 times faster than a standalone MP channel data rate. When speed and accuracy are the most invaluable assets, results like these will take your drilling experience to the next level of efficiency.
Intelligent EM vs MP Channel Selection
Intelligent Proactive Channel Selection
Terre-Flex multi-channel MWD tool picks out the best transmission channel at any given moment, between electro-magnetic waves and hydraulic mud pulses, to send data. Both independent of the quality of your mud mix and the characteristics of earth formations, you will always receive accurate and high-quality data.
In short, the quality of your data is no longer tied to the mud mix or earth formations.
Days of Wait-Time Saved Over One Month of Drilling
Immediate Surveys
Tired of waiting for the pumps to cycle through every time a new pipe segment is attached? Now you don’t have to – surveys are available instantly on connection.
That extra five minutes your team has to be on standby whenever a change is made adds up to a week of wait-time over a month of drilling. Terre-Flex will ultimately save you hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of one job.
Little to No Service Necessary
Cost-Effective Service
Terre-Flex’ build is a unified, small assembly. As an illustration, we engineered a multi-channel tool in the dimensions of a conventional mud pulser. Minimal amount of mechanical parts drastically diminishes the number of elements that could fail and would require service.
As a result, Terre-Flex MWD System requires little to no service, allowing you to save time and money, while focusing on results.
No Signal Too Weak To Decode
Superb Signal Decoding from Noise
Terre-Flex’ EM channel is able to decode signal weaker than the noise floor. This is achieved by using the frequency range of 1-32 Hz, four times the industry average, and outputting signal strength at least double the industry average at 80-100W. As is our practice, we are ensuring that you will not miss a bit.
- Terre-Flex’ EM Transmitter 96%
- Industry Average Power Efficiency 50%
Unparalleled Power Efficiancy
Thanks to our patented IP, the power efficiency of Terre-Flex’ EM transmitter is almost twice that of the industry standard. This feature ensures your wait-times and costs are even more minimized by reducing the frequency of battery changes.
New Philosophy
Terre-Flex is built on a whole new philosophy of MWD system architecture with its multi-channel input-output, modular hardware and software design, and proactive signal control. Terre-Flex not only chooses for you the best data signal path, but it is also able to decode weak signal strengths. For you this simply means reliable and accurate data, always.
Terre-Flex EM Transmitter Specifications
- Configurable Transmission Parameters
- Configurable Output Parameters
- Mechanical Specifications
- Logs
- Parameters
- Operating Temperature
Parameter |
Terre-Flex Multi-Channel Telemetry System |
Benefits |
Carrier Frequency |
1-32 Hz | Compared to industry average of 1-12 Hz, you will be able to operate under broader geological formation conditions. |
Baud rate per channel |
Up to 16b/s for BPSK (up to ½ of the carrier frequency) Up to 32b/s for QPSK |
Compared to a mud pulser average of 1b/s, a superior data transfer rate, which means faster results for you. |
Parameter |
Terre-Flex Multi-Channel Telemetry System |
Benefits |
Power |
0.1-80W with a 24V/7A battery 0.1-100W with a 30V/7A battery or turbine with galvanically isolated output |
At least double the capability of an average EM transmitter signal output and up to 40W even more powerful than Pegasus. Patent-pending galvanically Isolated output keeps downhole string protected from rig-floor related electrical surges and spikes. |
Voltage |
1-140V (peak-peak) | |
Current |
0-26A (peak-peak) | |
Power Efficiency |
96% | Compared to an industry average of 50%, our system is almost twice as efficient, which means less frequent expensive battery changes. |
Output Impedance-based Modes |
· Constant power · Constant voltage · Constant current |
Operator can easily configure what is best in the field. Usually, competitor systems come with a constant pre-set setting. |
Terre-Flex Multi-Channel Telemetry System |
Benefits |
Design basics: |
1.875” BeCu25 or Nit50 housings Top hanging rotary Terre-RP based mechanics and rotary mud pulser specifications |
The most feature-rich system with both EM and MP capabilities. |
Compatible Drill Collar Sizes |
Based on available common, non-custom-made sizes | |
Compatible Gap Sub Sizes and Mountings |
From 3.5” to 9.5” Proprietary designed and built non-mag sub |
Vibration and Shock |
Operational up to 30 GRMS Shock up to 1000 G |
Surpasses the industry standard of 20 GRMS and will be able to operate under harsh drilling conditions without failure. |
Logs |
Benefits |
· Job Number · Run hours · Power-on hours · Temperature · Input voltage · Output Impedance · Event logs · Survey logs · Circulation hours · RESET events · Temperature Histogram · Changes in configuration · Unit number |
Proactive control and data on demand.
You are not limited to conventional settings and can easily modify your parameters. |
Parameter List |
Benefits |
· Inc · Azi · DipA · Temp · Bat1V · Bat2V · Ax · Ay · Az · Mx · My · Mz · Gamma · Grav · mTFA · MagDec · gTFA · aTFA · TFO · EM Transmitter Output Impedance · Generic Variables |
Proactive control and data on demand
You are not limited to conventional settings and can easily modify your parameters |
· CAN-Bus for logs and config · Optional Q-Bus for communication with Directional Interface Module (DIM) |
Our Terre-Flex communications are as flexible as the system itself. |
+175°C | You will be able to operate under higher than average drilling temperatures. |
Terre-Flex EM Receiver Specifications
Better than -120dBV (1uV) with negative signal to noise ratio | Your data is protected even when the signal is at its weakest. |
±80Volt | Your device is protected from power surges originating in the drilling equipment. |
Pre-amplifier gain |
Better than 40dB (10-steps by 4dB) | Wide range of amplification and automatic gain control. Signal boost strong enough to receive signals even from space. Device is able to gain up weak signals, ensuring your data is always received and decoded. |
Amplifier gain |
Better than 60dB with 60dB AGC |
1 week at -40°C on Independent on Rig Floor Chargeable battery, possibility for solar backup plus AC | System is so power efficient that it will be able to work for one week on a low charge battery, which means that even under the harshest drilling conditions you have one less thing to worry about. |
High Pass Filter |
0.01-30Hz, user configurable | Operator can control the signal-to-noise ratio, ensuring that the receiver decodes your data even when the noise level is greater than that of your signal. |
Low Pass Filter |
1-32Hz, user configurable |
· Even/odd Parity Check · No Error Checking · ECC · Cyclic Redundancy Codes · User Configurable |
You have complete proactive or manual control in modifying your Packet Error Detection settings to ensure the data you receive is not corrupted or incorrect. |
-40°C to +55°C | You can depend on your system to work consistently under any surface temperature conditions. |
How Terre-Flex Multi-Channel Telemetry System Can Fit Your Needs
If you are looking to bring ease into your workflow, our intelligent EM and MP multi-channel telemetry system will decode the weakest signal, while proactively selecting the best data signal path. Contact us today to discuss Terre-Flex.